Finish this Decade with Momentum!

LyfeSpark 60-Day Health - Wealth Challenge!

Workshop Schedule

Workshop Kickoff: Saturday November 2 from 9-5 at Hotel Valley Ho

Weekly Group Coach Q&A Sessions:  Mondays at 4-5 (recorded calls)

Completion Class: Saturday January 4 from 9-1 (location tbd)

Are you ready to fast-track your
Health-Wealth goals for the next 60 days
and ramp up for 2020?

Kick back into action with this powerful
one-day class and 60-day challenge!

Are you up for a challenge?  Do you want more?  This unique 60-day experience serves as a foundation for expanding your life for years to come!

Start simply with two key areas – your health and your wealth.  Lay the groundwork with a deep dive understanding of why these areas are important to you, creating affirmations or vision statements and digital vision boards for both.  Then add goals, action steps, and accountability to help you achieve those goals over the next 60 days!

Join others who are excited to create more of the life they truly want!


Nicole Thompson
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I’m completely blown away. Brett and Tracy have helped me gain clarity and a bigger vision. I have confidence that, with the LyfeSpark tools available to me, I have everything I need to achieve my goals, with ease.
Alana Kelner
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I had no idea what I was walking into and I quickly discovered that the LyfeSpark system brings clarity while tying in everything I know about goals, vision boards and accountability together with ease.
Annette Cline
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The LyfeSpark system makes it fun and easy to set goals, get organized and get support.


Write Affirmation Statements for Each Area

An affirmation or vision statement for health
and wealth will anchor you to becoming the
person you want to be. It gives ownership to your desired outcome and a purpose to pursue.

Clarify Why Each Area is Important to You

Understanding the "why" behind any goal or
vision is critical. Having a driving force and
a key motivator behind a goal gives you a
reason to keep going despite obstacles.

Create Digital Vision Boards for Health and Wealth

The mind sees in pictures, so it is important to visualize the life you want. Review your vision boards throughout the day on your mobile device to focus your mind on creating that perfect end result.

Learn How to Set an

Being clear when setting goals is a key element to success. Learn how to use the EASY MAP system and set goals that are expansive, achieveable, specific, have a "why", and are meaningful, aspirational, and positive.

Set a 60-day Goal and
Action Plan for Each Area

Achieving a goal requires a plan of action.
Create a map of the steps toward your goal.
Easily edit and re-prioritize these steps to
reflect what you learn along the way.

Gain Accountability throughout the Challenge

Research shows that stating your intentions to others and having external accountability increases success rates in goal achievement. Partner with someone for 60 days and help each other succeed!

Free 60-day Membership
to LyfeSpark Community

LyfeSpark is the central location for your online vision boards, affirmations, goals, and more. It is a social media platform that connects you with other positive people who want to do, be, have, and give more.

Weekly Group Coaching Q&A Sessions

Get weekly access to the facilitators as they share insights on different topics that affect achieving your goals. Ask your questions and get live coaching through these interactive weekly sessions.

One-day Live Training to Launch Your Challenge

At the end of this 8-hour working session, you will have your health and wealth goals, vision boards, affirmations, and reasons why completed, and learn how to use LyfeSpark platform for the next 60 days.


Tracy King

Tracy King is an Entrepreneur, Business Consultant, and Life Success Coach who is passionate about personal growth and making a positive impact on the world. After ten years in Fortune 500 companies, she has spent the last 15 years running several of her own businesses, consulting in a variety of industries, and coaching individuals and teams to increase their success, happiness, relationships, and health. She thrives on helping others realize and actualize their true potential and strives to continually enhance her own life experience, while continuing to learn the latest in personal growth and enlightenment from other thought leaders.  

Brett Williams

Brett Williams is a student of life, is driven in his quest for knowledge to maximize human potential, and is passionate to find ways to improve his life and the lives of those around him through his consulting and coaching businesses. Brett believes in a holistic approach to life, and that to realize true happiness in life requires work on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas of life. Brett has consulted with a variety of businesses and schools to develop classes, facilitate strategic planning sessions and staff training events, coach people to higher levels of performance, as well as running and facilitating coaching programs and workshops.

Through the daily use of your LyfeSpark membership, you can expect to:


Saturday November 2, 2019
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Registration at 8:30 am


Hotel Valley Ho, Tropicana Room
6850 E Main Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

There is free parking on the corner of 69th Street and Indian School in front of the Sands Restaurant, or $10 Valet Parking at the front of the hotel.


  • Money for working lunch. You will be going to lunch in small groups around noon.
  • Snacks or drinks if you want them.
  • Light jacket or sweater as the temperature in the room may vary.
  • Notebook and pen.
  • Laptop or tablet (fully charged).
  • A great attitude and a desire for more!

There will be water available in the conference room if you want to bring your own bottle.